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Clan of the Werebear, The Complete Series Page 23
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Page 23
“Then you should have stayed in the east, not traveled here for shelter. We have suffered too much in the past to allow such a transgression to be unpunished.”
“Yes, one you have created.” She opened the bag and presented the skulls of both a wolf and bear. “One of you murdered Anna and her lover, not to mention my parents! And this is proof!”
The skulls rolled to the floor as well as a band of cloth that resembled that of the banner that hung behind them. It had green stripes and red diamonds.
The men stood up. “How dare you! And it’s not possible that your parents were murdered by any member of the clan since we have no idea who you claim to be. It’s known throughout the territory that Anna’s werewolf lover murdered her. Anna’s sister, Felicity, ran off, and while we’re aware that she had two half-breed children with her werewolf lover, we have never found them. We believe that they left Alaska.”
Samson tried to stop Elaina, but she pulled away. “You lie! I saw that banner that was found with the skulls, and it’s the same one that’s behind you. My mother was the mate to my werewolf father, not simply lovers, and I’m here to stop the war.” When they laughed, Elaina continued. “How many werebears have you murdered and blamed it on the werewolves? You’ve murdered an alpha for no reason at all. Everyone with half a brain knows that Anna’s werewolf would never have murdered her. He loved her and no werewolf would ever murder his mate.”
“Seize them,” Walkar ordered.
Elaina was grabbed by the guards and watched helplessly as both Samson and Liam were dragged away. She shifted and roared at the guards, but another guard pulled out a dart gun and shot Elaina. She slumped to the ground when the needle penetrated her thick body, and within minutes, felt woozy. Before she passed out from the drug from the dart, she heard them warn Samson and Liam that if they shifted, they’d kill her.
Chapter Sixteen
Elaina woke up with a headache. She lay on a bed, the soft sheets tickling her bare skin. She pulled the sheet over her chest as she sat up, careful to cover herself. Her shoulders slumped when she eyed the iron bars of the cell she was in. She scooted off the bed and made way for the window, and when she glanced outside, she could make out the shape of Liam and Samson near the wall with metal collars around their necks, a guard posted nearby.
The sound of hammering was heard in the distance and tears dropped when she saw that a wooden platform was being built with posts that formed an upside down L.
Elaina turned at the sound of a tray scraping the floor. “I’ve brought you food,” a wide-eyed woman said.
Elaina raced to the bars, dreading what she had feared. “What are they building outside?”
She backed up like she was afraid. “Well, it’s a hangman’s post, or so I heard the elders say. You’re to be executed at first light.”
“No. You’re mistaken.”
“No mistake, miss, but I thought you already knew that.”
The door behind the woman opened and she left in a hurry as Beldic and Walkar entered the room.
“I see you’ve awakened,” Beldic said. “I hope you’re not too uncomfortable.”
Elaina rolled her eyes. “Like you care if I’m comfortable. Is it true? Are you planning to execute me?”
“Yes, all of you actually,” Walkar said. “We can’t afford to let you live now. You’re the only ones who know that the clan killed you parents, and it won’t be long before the rest of the clan knows the truth. Luckily, only our guards heard your wild accusations. It’s unfortunate, really. Both Anna and your mother, Felicity, chose to ignore their arranged marriages. When Anna was found murdered five years before, you’d have thought that your mother, Felicity, would have known what was at stake.”
“Which one of you was my mother supposed to marry?”
Beldic stepped forward. “It was me, but I really had only planned to murder her mate and of course, you and your brother, but things happened that were out of my control. She waged quite the battle while her mate was forced to look on in horror. I never planned for her to die that day. I wanted to simply bring her home.”
Elaina pressed her face to the bars. “Like she’d have just gone willingly along after you killed my father and her cubs.”
“She would have in time, I assure you. In the beginning, I would have had to lock her away. That’s why there’s a cell up here. It was designed for your mother. Once I had a cub in her belly, she’d have submitted to her lot in life.”
“Why is it that women are simply given away so easily?” Elaina spat as the notion sickened her.
“It wasn’t easy for her father at all, but he had sworn his alliance to the clan. He died after your mother’s death. His heart simply gave out after we came home and had to tell him that his last living child had also died.”
“How do you plan to explain my execution?”
“That you have broken the laws by mating with a werewolf.”
“You can’t do that or this war will never end. He’s an alpha of his pack.”
Beldic shook his head. “What alpha would leave his pack to accompany you on such an impossible journey?”
“One that loves me.” At least she thought he did. “I lived with Cullen and Damon and might carry their child now. Would you also be so willing to kill a woman who carries a royal werebear?”
“They’ll never know since they have already deserted you, or so you say. I have heard talk of how they share the females of their village. My belief is that they simply got weary of you, and you either left or were asked to leave.”
“What of the other clansmen searching for me?”
“No one has searched for you. We believed you were dead.”
“If you didn’t find me when you murdered my parents, why would you think I was dead?”
Beldic stroked his beard thoughtfully. “Well, it was winter, and without the protection of your parents, we assumed that you’d perished from the elements.”
Elaina’s shoulders sunk. If the clan wasn’t behind searching for her, then who was? “Why do you insist on doing this and prolonging a misplaced war? It’s time for it to end. Why don’t you see that?”
“It’s the way it’s always been, and it’s important for the clan to remain in superior authority. We need for the clan to be all werebear, not half-breeds.”
“You’ve made that decision for your own welfare and to conceal your own guilt. It’s time for it to all end. Werebears and werewolves need not be enemies. As humans push into the territories, it’s important for all shifters to band together, not kill each other. Don’t you see this?”
“I see a werebear that is a half-breed and every time I look into your eyes, it’s a painful reminder that I was set aside in favor of another,” Beldic said with clenched teeth. “As long as I breathe air, the laws of the clan won’t change and that includes this war.”
The elders left and Elaina sunk back to the bed. She had given those bones up too easily, but it couldn’t be helped. There was no way that they’d have been able to hold on to that bag, and at least she had played her hand and was now certain that both of the elders had started the war and were content to see it continue. Whoever was searching for her had other motives. All this time she had been running from them, but in truth, they might be her only allies.
* * *
Elaina was given jeans and a shirt early the next morning. She was asked what she desired to have for breakfast and when she said the elders’ hearts, she was left alone to dress. What of Cullen and Damon? Were they still in the forest searching for the clansmen who had pursued them, or were they hopelessly lost? If Cullen and Damon weren’t truly part of the clan, then who had made pains to make them believe it?
* * *
Elaina was pulled from the cell and a metal collar was snapped around her neck, with metal spikes on the inside. It was apparent that if she shifted, they would go right through her neck and kill her. So much for her plans to fight her way out of this. All morning, all she could think a
bout is how she had brought Liam here and how she was responsible for leading an alpha to his death. She wished she could turn back the clock. She wished she had never left Samson all those days ago. He had warned her of what the clan was capable of, and now it was too late for any of them. Samson had been a great protector, but instead of her destiny being the one who could stop the war, she’d just be another casualty.
Liam and Samson stood on the wooden platform when Elaina was pushed up the stairs leading to it. She swallowed hard, which caused the metal bars to poke the delicate skin of her neck.
“I’m so sorry,” Elaina said to Liam and Samson. She held back the tears and took her place between the werewolves.
Their hands interlaced as they stared out into the crowd of men and women, holding on to their children to witness the execution. The crowd was quite big already, with the elders taking their place on a wooden platform opposite them.
Beldic motioned for the crowd to be silent with a wave of a banner held in his hand. “We have been at war many years and we’re not about to change our laws now. It’s forbidden for a werebear and a werewolf to mate, and today we’re going to make an example of what happens when our laws are broken.”
An executioner with a black hood brought ropes forward and placed it around the necks of the accused. Elaina took in a sharp breath and said, “This is wrong and you all have the right to know it. The elders have lied to you all for years. They are the ones responsible for murdering Anna and her werewolf mate. They’re responsible for starting the war.”
“Don’t listen to her,” the elders shouted. “Drop the doors. Kill them, kill them!”
The lever was thrown back, the ropes tightened around Liam, Samson, and Elaina’s necks, but instead of them choking to death, they fell through the trap doors where they were caught by two men waiting below. Damon and Cullen! The ropes were removed in haste, their collars unlocked and removed.
There was a rumble as Elaina surfaced from beneath the platform. More werebears appeared from behind buildings and through the main gate, pitting bear against bear in a battle. Roars were followed by snapping jaws, and razor-sharp claws striking one another. Elaina raced up the platform, waving her arms frantically. “Stop this now!” she shouted as the executioner removed his hood, revealing a strong face.
The executioner then pulled out a horn and blew into the mouthpiece. The werebears stopped the fighting and all gazed up at the platform.
“Enough, there is enough fighting. I’m half bear and half wolf. The war began because the elders murdered two female werebears just because they refused to marry them, and I say enough of fighting and war. My parents died because of the elders, and if anyone is to be punished it’s them, but even that is too much. I say enough of war and bloodshed. Werebears and werewolves deserve to live in peace now and that’s what they shall do from this day forward,” Elaina insisted.
“Says who?” one man asked. “You’re not even of this fortress, you’re an outsider.”
The executioner said, “She’s right, and I am part of this place, as you know. I’m Atar the son of a werebear and werewolf, too. They both died at the hands of elders, and even came after me and my sister, Elaina, but we escaped.”
Elaina had to be held up by Liam who ran up to steady her as she gazed at Atar in shock. “You’re my brother?”
He smiled. “Yes, I am. I’ve been searching for you for many years now. It took some doing to find you, and Cullen and Damon almost didn’t believe me when I told them yesterday.”
“Stand behind us,” the elders said. “They lie.”
“We found the remains of my parents with part of the banner of the clan. It proves that they indeed murdered my parents,” Elaina went on to say.
Samson climbed the platform and said, “Elaina is prophesied to stop the war, and that’s what she’s here to do. She speaks the truth and is special. She will show you how special when she shifts into a bear and then a wolf.”
“That’s madness,” one man said. “No shifter can do that, but if she can, I’d be willing to listen.”
Elaina’s eyes widened. “But I can’t shift into a wolf,” she whispered to Samson.
“Yes, you can. You have to or nobody will ever believe in what you say, since most likely the clan has already destroyed or hidden the bones we found.”
Elaina shook her body and shifted into a bear. She roared, shaking the platform where they stood. She stared at the crowd, and for the life of her, she didn’t know what to do next. As she came down on all fours, a silver wolf walked toward her and howled out encouragement. She heard Liam howl, “Close your eyes and concentrate.”
Elaina closed her eyes and with the howls of Liam and Samson joined by many others, she shook her massive body. Her body bent and snapped, her bear paws and legs taking on a more slender form ... that of a wolf, a white wolf. She gazed next to where Atar stood, but he was not there any longer. Instead, there was a white wolf in his place.
When Elaina gazed at the crowd again, they were on their knees, except for the other platform where metal collars were placed around the necks of the elders and they were led away spewing vile words. Let them rant all they want; let them know that their way of life is over.
Instead of shifting back to human form, Elaina followed her brother from the fortress. They howled for the other werewolves to know it was now safe to stop fighting and that the war was over at last.
Chapter Seventeen
The bones were located in the same room Elaina, Samson, and Liam were first brought to the day before. Elaina gazed at her brother. Motioning to his bandaged arm, she asked, “What happened to you?”
Cullen stood not far off. “I’m responsible for his wound. When Damon and I caught up with the clan that was pursuing us, we fought.”
“He wouldn’t listen to reason. When I told him I was your brother, he thought I was lying.”
“You had a chance to tell me that at the village when you showed up searching for Elaina. I reacted like any werebear would that was protecting his mate.”
“I’ll admit that I probably should have told you, but I wasn’t sure how close you were to my sister. When I found out she had been in your village, I was angry. I know the ways of your village and how you share females. Elaina deserves better. Besides, I wasn’t ready to relay any information until I found my sister.”
“And you really had Shauna killed because…”
“She betrayed my sister, and I really believe that she would cause her harm in the future unless she wasn’t allowed to.”
Cullen’s brow shot up. “You do know that it makes you no better than the clan?”
“Of course, but time was of the essence, and I had to find Elaina, and fast. I was about to put my plan in action to take over the elders, and I needed her.”
Elaina lifted a wine goblet, taking a drink. “So the clan was never searching for me; it was you the whole time? I just don’t understand. I was under the impression that you were killed by the clan when our parents were.”
“I know. I escaped as you did. When I wasn’t aware of where you were, I had to make it on my own. One of the werebears found me, but instead of killing me, he hid me and came back for me later, raising me as his own.”
Liam put an arm around Elaina’s waist, “And you never thought about your sister?”
“I did, but I was only a child at the time. I have searched the North Ridge area before, but I never saw a sign she was still there. I knew at some point that I’d find her again. When she came into her fever, I was able to find her, but we fought that day and she was with a werewolf. I’m sorry if I hurt you that day, Elaina, but I ran off when I realized that you wouldn’t give up the fight so easily. I had hoped to find you the next day, but by then you had left the area.”
Samson rubbed a hand over his head. “Yes. When she came home that day, I was afraid that, indeed, the clan was searching for her.”
“Yes, just not for the reasons you think. I needed her to stop t
he war.”
“I still don’t understand how I was to do that,” Elaina admitted. “Really it was the both of us. What I don’t understand is if the clan was never policing the area where Cullen and Damon lived, were you the one sending the inspectors?”
“Yes, but I had other motives for that. We needed to build up an army of werebears for the resistance. I knew that even if I were to find you that we also needed an army behind us for support in case we had to fight the clan.”
“You could have told me that,” Cullen said.
“Really? If I had, do you really think that you’d allow me to take the men from your village? I’m surprised that you allowed that anyway.”
“I just was trying to protect my village and I had children with a human that I was trying to protect.”
“I admire you, Cullen, for doing that. You’re of royal blood and your children have their place. In time, who knows what they’ll be doing. Since you took them to a human lodge, they’ll have more opportunities. Shifters need to find their place as humans push into our territories.”
“Yes, but I’ll have to assure myself that they’re doing fine still. What of Ethan? You took him and he escaped from you. Why would he do that?”
“We didn’t let on what our real plans were to any of the men we took. We let them believe it was to fight against the werewolves the whole time. I tried to keep everything quiet. Even Gerirr and Hectar didn’t know the truth. I only told them that we were searching for a female werebear that had violated our laws.”
“You did a good job of it, then,” Elaina said. “You sure made a believer of me. Don’t be too hard on Damon and Cullen for how they treated me, or how you thought they did. I was a very willing participant, but I’ve always wanted to find my true mate, and now I have.” Elaina gave Cullen a look with longing in her eyes. “I appreciate everything you’ve done, Cullen, and if you really tried to chase me away by treating me badly, I thank you. If not for that, I’d never have found what I’m looking for.”