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Clan of the Werebear, The Complete Series Page 21
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Page 21
“And what of the pack?”
“They’re hidden at our village with instructions to hole up in a nearby cave if we’re not back in two moons. I take their safety seriously. Nala has said that all the men were gone hunting except for Jessup, who ran off when the clan showed up. Is it typical to leave the den so unprotected with you gone?”
Liam shook his head. “The females are quite resourceful, but with me gone, it seems that the werewolves have taken leave of their senses. I’d never have allowed most of the men to be elsewhere. It’s routine that only two werewolves be off hunting at a time.” His lips curled up into a snarl. “I’ve always known Jessup is a coward, but I never thought he’d run off like that. I’ll deal with him when I get back.”
“He’s used to picking on defenseless women. He kidnapped and abused the mother of our children before we found her battered and bruised in the wilderness,” Cullen informed Liam. “If I ever run across this Jessup, he’ll never be able to abuse another woman again.”
Liam shook Cullen’s hand. “I’m Liam, and alpha of the werewolf pack you found. Thanks for protecting the pack and giving them a safe place to stay.”
“I’m Cullen and this is my brother, Damon. It seems that we all have something in common.”
Elaina’s face reddened, but it didn’t take much for Cullen to know she’d laid down with the alpha as he took in the scent that wafted over to him. “Yes, hatred of the clan.”
* * *
Hours later, Cullen and Damon sat quietly as Samson informed them of Elaina’s past, and their next move.
“So you plan to find the remains of her parents and present them for proof that the clan had indeed murdered one of their own?” Cullen asked. “Wasn’t it already against the laws of the clan for a werebear and werewolf to mate, and punishable by death?”
“Yes, but Elaina’s mother was the daughter of a clansman elder. After the death of Anna, I don’t believe her death would have been ordered even if she had mated with a werewolf.”
Cullen rubbed his chin. “I’m not so sure about that, but it’s sure coincidental that both sisters fell in love with werewolves.”
Samson sat back and rocked in his chair. “We can’t know the particulars. All we can do is find the remains and present them as proof that someone in the clan was responsible for their deaths, not a werewolf. Their power to keep this war going hinges on the belief that the werewolves were responsible for the murders. If a werewolf’s remains are also found with that of a werebear’s, the clan will have to end the war.”
Elaina leaned against Liam’s shoulder. “Not if the same ones who murdered them are still alive. One of the elders might be responsible and they won’t be so inclined to admit to what they’ve done.”
“You need to be brave, Elaina. It’s foretold that a female that is half wolf and half bear will stop the war.”
Elaina vehemently shook her head. “It can’t be me. I’m not strong enough.”
Cullen placed Samson’s book down on the table with a thump. “You don’t have a choice and you’re stronger than you realize. When I first met you, you followed us meekly, but in time you rebelled against me. You even escaped me to seek out Liam for help. You traveled all the way here to discover the truth of your past, and I’ll be damned if you wallow in misplaced doubt.”
Elaina couldn’t believe her ears. Was Cullen actually suggesting she was capable of stopping the war? She stood and admitted, “But I’m afraid. I don’t think I can do this.”
“We all fear things, Elaina,” Liam said. “But you have to muster up all of your strength and do this. It might be our only opportunity to see the war end during our lifetime. Think not of fear, but of the future and of how many lives you’ll be able to save in the process.”
“You’re all right. I must think about more than myself. Peace is important. Stopping the war is important and changing the laws set forth by the clan is most important. Werebears and werewolves as a whole should not have to fear death for loving who they want and mating with whom they choose; even mating with a human should not be banned.” Her hands clenched into fists, Elaina continued. “If the elders responsible for the deaths of my parents still live, I’ll take my vengeance myself. For as long as they continue to thrive, there will never be peace. But I can’t do this alone I need help.”
Damon stood next to Cullen and nodded. “Yes, we’ll help you all we can.”
“You can’t. You’re both of royal blood.”
“Yes,” Cullen said. “Our children are safe now and will carry our bloodline, but if we don’t help you, the future of all shifters hangs in the balance. One power should not stand over the others. We must unite and stop the tyranny.”
“We’ll leave at first light,” Samson suggested.
“We don’t have time to wait. It won’t take long for the clan to dig themselves out with three of them. We need to move on before they catch up with us,” Cullen suggested. “How far away is the North Ridge from here?”
“A day’s journey. If we leave soon, we’ll only have to camp overnight. We could travel shifted to make better time, but if we do, there will not be any way to carry supplies. We’ll need boxes to carry the remains when we find them,” Samson said.
“Bags will do. We can also carry clothing that way. We won’t be able to enter the fortress in shifted form. They’ll have guards posted.”
“We might be able to get in by asking for refuge,” Elaina said. “Or we could say that we’re there to join forces with them. Once we get inside, we’ll be able to present our evidence.”
Cullen nodded. “Sounds like a good plan.”
Chapter Fourteen
Liam stared at Cullen in a new light. He was both tall and muscular and most likely would be a strong and able warrior bear. He tried not to think about him or Damon bedding down with Elaina. Both men were ruggedly handsome and he couldn’t help but notice Elaina’s admiration for Cullen when she spoke to him. He wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on it right now. Liam knew Elaina had wanted to claim him as her mate, but he still had some hesitation. Now that he knew she was both part bear and wolf, he wondered if she’d be accepted as his mate by the pack. Even if they made it through the next few days, he’d not be rash when it came to choosing a mate. When he made his decision, it would be for a lifetime, not for days, weeks, or months. Was Elaina truly old enough to really know what she wanted?
* * *
Armed with six bags between them, the search party of two werewolves and three werebears left as the sun was directly overhead. Elaina ran alongside Samson and Liam with Damon and Cullen pulling up the rear.
Elaina had never felt more of a werebear than today. Gone was the uncertain girl of weeks past, or even the smitten woman of yesterday. Today, she had an important mission at hand. Armed with her escorts, she’d find the evidence they so dearly needed and present it to the clan with a good result, hopefully. She was optimistic, but realistic. This would not be an easy task, but one she was willing to attempt. Her life was no longer one of only girlish thoughts and dreams, but of a woman hell-bent on procuring a happy future for all shifters, no matter the type.
They crossed a river and slowly swam to the other shore just as the sun headed toward the west. Soon, it would be nightfall, and Elaina vowed that she’d stay in shifted form. It was too dangerous to be so close to three dreadfully handsome shifters. When Cullen and Damon had shown up, she was both surprised and torn. They came to warn her and that meant something. If only Cullen hadn’t treated her so badly. If only her heart didn’t ache for Liam. What if neither of them wanted her? Yes, she had to see through the next few days and re-evaluate her true feelings, and prayed that she was able to make the right decision. Elaina wasn’t sure that any of them would survive to see next week, but how would she feel if one of them lost their life protecting her?
Samson howled and gave the order for them to make camp. None of them shifted back to human form, and Elaina opted to hunker down next to Samson. Aft
er all, he had protected her since the first day he found her.
Elaina felt the presence of the other shifters close by and that, too, gave her comfort. One more day, that’s all they needed. Certainly it would be at least that long before the clan caught up to them. Cullen hadn’t gone into detail of who exactly was searching for her, but Elaina feared the worst. Would they be able to stop this madness before they all were murdered?
* * *
Elaina stretched when she woke up and didn’t see anyone until she caught sight of the men gathered in human form near a stream. They were also quite naked and she was wise to stay clear of them. Seeing Samson in that state just wasn’t something she needed to see.
When Liam strode in her direction, he was dressed and brought clothing to Elaina. “We’re going to scout out the North Ridge before we decide where we should start our search.”
Elaina shifted and dressed, and when she turned, Cullen stood there, an unreadable expression on his face. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you can remember how to shift.”
“What? I already know how.”
“I mean into wolf form.”
“I’m a bear, not a wolf.”
“You’re half bear and half wolf. In Russia, there was talk of special shifters that can shift into more than one animal.”
“That’s impossible. It’s a myth and I’ve never been able to shift into a wolf.”
“Not any more of a myth than what Samson’s book of images displays. If you are expected to be able to stop the war, there has to be something more special about you. More special than any other shifter. It might be the only way you can prove who you really are when the time comes.”
“I might be able to understand what a wolf is saying when it howls, but I most certainly can’t shift into a wolf. I’m not a werewolf. I’m a werebear.”
“I believe that you can if you try hard enough. Perhaps it will take just the right time and place.”
Elaina shook her head. Like she wasn’t already under enough pressure. Now she would be expected to shift into wolf form? It’s just not possible. She had to say something to take her mind off what was ahead.
“Why did you really take me from the lodge like that if you had known all along the clan was in hot pursuit?”
“I didn’t then, but neither was I willing to lose you. While you recovered, Shauna told me.”
Elaina balled up her fists. “I hope I have a chance to pay Shauna back for telling you. She betrayed me to the clan, no doubt.”
Cullen’s face tightened. “She has already paid for that with her life.”
Elaina’s jaw slacked open. “You killed her?”
“No, the clan did. Atar said it was because she betrayed one of her own kind, but I wonder—”
“Wonder what?”
“What his real motives are, but he’s traveling with Gerirr and Hectar and I know they’d have killed me if they had the chance. They’re the inspectors I tangled with not long ago.”
Elaina could scarcely breathe. “I might not have liked Shauna, but I’m sorry she’s gone now. How is Damon taking it?”
“Not well, but he was resolved to find you and Liam and warn you both. I know it’s hard to understand how I treated you that last night and I wish it hadn’t gone like that, but after I learned the truth about how close the clan was, I knew the best thing I could do was treat you so badly that you’d leave the village before it was too late.”
That blew Elaina away. “You did it to protect me?”
“Yes, and it worked much better than I had hoped. I was so glad that you were gone, but I didn’t even tell Damon what I had done. He was quite mad at me when you were gone and left, too. I’m also glad that he was not in the village when the clan came. I thought everyone I cared for was safe, but when the clan threatened the life of my son, I had no choice but to lead them to you. Believe me, I tried to lead them astray, but eventually I did make it to the werewolves’ den. Unfortunately, that’s also where Damon was, but Nala really helped us out. It wouldn’t surprise me if Damon seeks out Nala when this is all over.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard since they’re at the village.”
“I meant for a mate. I’ve never seen Damon so smitten with a female before.”
“That shouldn’t surprise me. Nala is a very kind werewolf, and if she wasn’t barren, she’d probably have a mate by now.”
“That shouldn’t matter to Damon since Shauna was also barren. I had begun to wonder if a werebear can bear a child with another of their own kind. That’s why Damon and I were willing to break the clan’s rules and bed down with Klesa.”
Elaina smiled. “I give you both credit. While you both have been forced to allow the clan to take the men of the village, you have also represented to me your defiance of the clan.”
“We don’t consider ourselves to be part of the clan. Being werebears is hardly a qualification, although Atar considers us one by default. I still wish there were more werebears in our village. I might have been able to fight against the clan and save Shauna’s life. I don’t feel good that Gerirr and Hectar murdered her. I should have protected her better, even sent her away.”
Elaina put a hand on Cullen’s arm. “There’s nothing you could have done. Had you fought back, you and the entire village would have been murdered.”
Liam strode over, his eyes flashing. “When you two are finished making up, we should get started.”
Elaina dropped her hand and would have said something, but she bit down on her lip to stop herself. Even if Liam thought that was what she was doing, he shouldn’t have said so in front of Cullen. Elaina was glad that she was able to clear the air with Cullen, and to hell with what Liam thought. Now was not the time for petty jealousies. They had to all pull together. Now, they all had a common goal: find the remains of her parents and bring them to the clan’s fortress to try to end this blasted war.
Liam was speaking with Samson when Elaina strode up, listening to Samson’s instructions when Cullen and Damon also joined them. “They might have the entrance to the cave concealed. We must make a thorough inspection of the base of the mountain for any signs of a cave. I also expect it to be hidden by fallen rocks that might be covering the entrance. If the clan hid any bodies here, it’s going to be concealed for sure. Whatever they hid, they wanted it to remain that way.”
Elaina thought this to be an impossible task and she concentrated on trying to remember any detail that she could. She closed her eyes for a moment, but what she envisioned was not a cave at all, but looked like more of a cabin. In her mind, she saw rugs and smelled food cooking. She breathed in, hoping to recall a fragrance, the scent of her mama bear, anything that might help her remember.
When Elaina opened her eyes, all eyes were on her. Instead of asking her anything, Samson led the way to the edge of the mountains and far below the peak of the North Ridge. The sides of the mountain were nearly sheer in this area and there was not a hint of a cave. Boulders and rocks rested on the ground from numerous rockslides and possibly an avalanche, but no signs of a cave.
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” Elaina said.
“If only life was that easy, the war might have ended long ago,” Samson said with a hint of a smile.
There was snow on the tallest peak of the mountain, but Elaina wandered from the cliffs and entered the forest where there was a trail, or what looked to be one. She hadn’t gone in more than fifteen feet before a large tree lay across her path. Instead of being dissuaded, she climbed over it.
Branches and needles scratched across Elaina’s face, but she continued. She could smell the food, or in her mind she could, and the sound of laughter. Elaina could visualize her mama bear in human form standing before an open fire, stirring a pot. Her dark hair glistened within the light of the fire and a man put his arm around her, bringing her closer. She, in turn, playfully batted away his wandering hands and he kissed her gently on the ear, winking at the children close by.
shook her head to clear the images just as she saw a moss-covered, abandoned cabin, or what looked to be one. Common sense told her to go back for the others, and it won out.
Elaina was panting when she found Samson lifting a large rock. “C-Come quick. I found a c-cabin.”
“We’re not looking for a cabin,” he replied.
“I know, but—”
Elaina ran off and heard the men following. When they stopped at the door to the cabin, Samson asked, “Is there something you remember, Elaina?”
“Yes. I’m not sure, but I believe that this might just be the cabin we lived in when I was a child. Before you found me wandering in the woods, Samson.”
Cullen and Damon forced the door open and halted Elaina from entering. “Let us check it out first, Elaina,” Cullen said. “It might collapse on our heads.”
Elaina examined the roof and knew he spoke the truth as there was a huge hole in it, but she waited only a few minutes after Cullen and Damon entered the cabin before she also walked inside.
The smell of mold assaulted Elaina’s delicate nostrils when she entered. In the center of the room was a table with four overturned chairs that were broken on the floor. Plates and a metal pot were on the table, too.
“It looks like the table was set for dinner,” Elaina observed. “I can’t help but wonder if this is the cabin I once live with my parents. I can’t believe my memory is coming back to me in chunks right now.”
Cullen and Damon forced the windows open and that helped as they could then see inside the cabin much more clearly. There were toys scattered on the floor that were made of carved wood, and that solidified to Elaina that this might be indeed the cabin that she had spent part of her early childhood.
Elaina gently touched the mantle of the fireplace, remembering back, but these images were not nearly as pleasant as before. These were filled with panic. She gazed up as her human-form mama stood over her, giving her instructions that needed to be followed. She and a boy a head taller than her were ushered outside. They shifted, but she couldn’t quite see the one who might just be her brother. He certainly wasn’t up the same tree that she had climbed in fear as she heard the rumbling of paws, and shrieks of birds taking flight.