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Outrageous Vegas Vacation (An Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mystery Book 8) Read online

Page 15

  Max pushed himself out of the chair. “I didn’t have any reason to believe that he’s a thief. Artists sometime like to accuse us of fraud when their career goes south and they’ve overspent what they made. Sure, bankruptcies happen, but you can’t blame us for that.”

  “I’d love to know who he was accused of stealing from before. They might have a reason to get back at him.”

  “No, that’s just not possible. We’ve kept it quiet where Malcolm moved. While people might know who Kayla is, they certainly didn’t know that Malcolm was in Vegas or still working as an agent.”

  “Why are you covering for Malcolm? He’s dead now, remember?”

  “How can I? We’re scrambling to cover his other artists.”

  “Other artists?”

  “Well, one other one.”

  “Who?” Kayla asked.

  He shook his head. “I might as well tell you, but I’m shocked that you don’t already know. It’s Simone Lovely.”

  Eleanor laughed. “Is that a singer or porn star?”

  “She’s some floozy with no talent,” Kayla said with a frown.

  “Is she a rival of yours?” I asked Kayla.

  “She’s made some negative comments about me in the tabloids, even trying to insinuate that Malcolm and I were romantically involved.”

  “And there’s no truth to that?”

  “No. He was my best friend.” Her eyes welled up with tears. “I still can’t believe that he stole money from me. I trusted him.”

  I squeezed Kayla’s shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to learn such a hard lesson. I’d hire my own accountant, if I were you.”

  “We have that handled,” Max insisted.

  “Yes, and look what happened. I’m not about to see Kayla trust your agency wholeheartedly.”

  “Is that what you want, Kayla?” Max asked.

  “I think it’s wise advice. I’ve worked very hard and have nothing to show for it. The only thing standing in my way now is whoever is threatening me.”

  “If that’s what you want, we’ll support you. I don’t want you to feel like we can’t be trusted. We’re planning to put you on the road in a cross-country tour next year. Your album is still selling well, with each of your singles in the top twenty and I think the tour can only improve your career. I think Vegas has done you well career-wise. We’ll be looking into Malcolm’s financial details. If he’s stashed your money anywhere, we’ll do the best we can to find it. I’ll have our lawyers freeze his bank accounts.”

  “But by the time you do that, his family might have already closed his accounts.”

  “Well, I had better give them a call right now, then.”

  After Max had phoned the attorneys and told them what he wanted them to do, he hung up, excusing himself. “I’ll check out your show tonight, Kayla,” he said. “I’d love to see your performance first-hand.” Then he headed out the door.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Kayla,” I began.

  She put up a hand. “Please, I have to mentally prepare myself for the show tonight.”

  “I imagine, but I only wanted to ask you about Simone Lovely. You must have had more contact with her. Have you ever met her before?”

  “Yes, at one of my listening parties before my Vegas stint started. She just showed up like she owned the place and was all over Malcolm like a bee on honey. She even insisted that she’s be a better fit for the Vegas gig than me.”

  “And you never once thought that Malcolm was her manager?”

  “I did ask him and he assured me that he’d never represent a talentless woman like that.”

  “So Malcolm had a history of lying way before you ever hit Vegas. I guess that shouldn’t surprise any of us, but I certainly need to question her and soon.”

  “But how are we going to find her?” Eleanor asked.

  “She’s at the House of Blues,” Mark said. “She sings there. It’s the only gig Malcolm could find for her in Vegas.”

  “So, you’ve never had any altercation with Simone, Kayla?”

  “Once we almost went to blows right here at Caesars. That was after I saw that tabloid story about me. I just don’t want a rumor spread around that I’m sleeping with my manager when it’s so not the case.”

  “So what stopped you from clocking her?” Eleanor asked.

  “Malcolm got between us and security threw her out.”

  “Thanks, Kayla. We’ll be heading over to the House of Blues to see how we might be able to find her. It’s a little too early for a performance.”

  “She should be there rehearsing,” Mark said.

  “I still can’t believe I didn’t know Malcolm was representing her,” Kayla said sourly.

  * * *

  We didn’t wait around and Eleanor and I were at the House of Blues twenty minutes later, since we had to wait for a cab. We walked inside, enjoying the ambiance. I felt a little thrill ripple through me.

  We walked over to the bar and the bartender came right over. Before he could ask us what we’d like to drink, I asked him, “Where could I find Simone Lovely?”

  He smiled. “She should be taking a break about now.” He led us into another room where a brunette was smoothing her long hair back. Her skin was tanned, and her shorts and a white t-shirt hugged her shapely body. This is Vegas and I imagined she’d look a little showier, but then again, she might dress differently when she’s rehearsing.

  When she turned to look our way, she asked, “Who is this, Jimmy?”

  “Not sure, but they’re here to speak to you.”

  Her hands slipped to her hips. “Can’t you see I’m busy? Sorry, but I can’t donate to whatever charity you’re here to collect for.”

  “Charity?” Eleanor sneered. “What makes you think we’re here to collect money?”

  “Isn’t that what old people do, try to buy their way into heaven by being a do-gooder?”

  I had to push Eleanor back before she tore into this girl but good. “Actually, we’re here to discuss your manager’s death, Malcolm.”

  Her face paled now, her body trembling. “I didn’t have anything to do with his death,” she said quickly.

  “I never said you did, but it’s strange that’s the first thing out of your mouth.”

  “The cops have already been here to question me, so what do you want?”

  “We’re doing an independent investigation into the matter. Can you tell me what Malcolm was like as a manager?”

  “He was okay, I suppose, but he certainly didn’t make good on any of his promises,” she said. Her eyes were flashing as she continued. “He promised to get me into the studio to record my first single, but that never happened, not since he discovered Kayla and that’s all he was focused on.”

  “So, he’s been representing you before he discovered Kayla?”

  “Exactly, and I don’t see why people like her so much. She lip syncs and they used digital enhancements in the studio. They can do that, you know, to make you sound better than you are.”

  “Do you know that for certain, or is that just sour grapes?” Eleanor asked.

  “I’ll show you.” She strutted on stage and grabbed the microphone, singing a Brittany Spears song Acapulco.

  Eleanor put her fingers in her ears and shook her head as Simone was way off key, her voice crackling. I knew right then and there why Malcolm hadn’t taken her into the studio. This girl couldn’t sing.

  Simone strutted over to her. “I guess I do better when the music is playing.”

  “You’d do better if you were lip syncing,” Eleanor pointed out.

  “Leave,” Simone pointed a boney finger. “I’m just as good as that Kayla White and when she gets booted out of Caesars, I’m going to take her place.”

  That got my attention. “What makes you think that would happen? I heard Kayla will have a new manager taking over for Malcolm.”

  Simone laughed. “That won’t help her. Her residency is near the end.”

  What is she talking
about? It could only mean one thing! On a whim, I pulled out my phone and called the number that was traced from the last threatening phone call that Kayla received. It took only a moment before I heard the first ring from both my cell phone and a phone from somewhere in the room.

  I raced across the room and grabbed Simone’s bag, dumping the contents. Inside was an iPhone and TracFone, which was the one ringing! Eleanor snatched it up and answered it. Sure enough, it was the number, all right.

  Before I called the detectives, I wanted to rake her over the coals. “So, you’re the one who’s been threatening Kayla all along.”

  “No, that’s not true. It wasn’t me, I swear. I have no idea how that phone got into my bag.” She backed away.

  “So, that’s why you knew about Kayla possibly losing her residency!”

  “No, that’s not the case, I swear. I-I heard it somewhere.”

  “She’s right. How would she know for certain?” Eleanor said. “Someone else has to be involved here.”

  “That could be, but it might be anyone, one of the dancers even, since the one show was cancelled. They might have assumed that if they cancelled any more that Kayla would be let go.”

  “Yes, but Simone is delusional. There’s no way that she would get the spot at Caesars if Kayla no longer had it.”

  “That’s not true. I was promised I’d be given a chance if she were no longer able to see it through. It was in the contract Malcolm drew up.”

  “That doesn’t explain who told you it was even close to that?”

  “Fine, Yvonne told me.”

  “So, you’re admitting that you’ve been threatening Kayla?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  She took a run for it and we were on the chase, but since we’re much older than Simone, it was hard to catch up to her. As we made it back outside, she hopped into a taxi and I flagged down another one. “Follow that cab,” I shouted, as we jumped inside.

  “I’ve always wanted someone to say that,” the driver said, as he tore off from the curb, following the other taxi. The driver weaved in and out of traffic while I was on the phone with Detective McCullum, telling him how I had called the number and Simone was in possession of the phone. “You’ll find the phone at the House of Blues where Simone was rehearsing today.”

  I hung up and the police were soon in on the chase, after our cabby told us the number of the other cab. “He’s been stealing all my fares,” he told us.

  “Should we keep chasing the cab?” Eleanor asked.

  “Yes,” the driver said. “We’ll do it from a comfortable distance.”

  Eleanor was grinning widely as the cab weaved in and out of traffic, stopping where bubble lights lit up in a glow of red and blue. “They have her now,” I said.

  Our cab screeched to a stop and Eleanor and I eased between the cars where the police had Simone against a police car as she was frisked, then they slapped cuffs on her.

  “You threatened Kayla just so you could take her place, but I don’t understand why you’d murder Malcolm. Were you afraid he’d modify the contract with you taking Kayla’s place if she was unable to finish her Vegas stay?” I asked.

  Her eyes were wide now. “I didn’t kill Malcolm. I’m no murderer.”

  “Oh, and where were you the day he was killed?” I asked.

  “I-I was home sick that day.”

  “Alone?” Eleanor asked.

  “Y-Yes, but I’m telling you that I’d have no reason to kill him.”

  “Of course he never took you into the studio like he had promised and he turned all his attention to Kayla when she was discovered,” I said. “That sounds like plenty of motive to me, since I have to check out your story about that contract. For all we know, that’s a total lie.”

  “That sounds like you might be right there, Agnes,” Mader said from behind us. “The phone was retrieved and we should have no problem with charging Simone for threatening Kayla. Why don’t you head back to Caesars and give Kayla the good news.”

  “We might even have enough to charge her for murder, if her fingerprints are on the knife Malcolm was killed with.”

  “Thanks, detectives. We’d be happy to do this.”

  “Can you take my picture with the cops?” the taxi driver said. “I want to rub it in everyone’s face back at the garage that I took part in a real chase of a dangerous criminal.”

  “Fine,” Mader said. “But we can’t be posing with you. Go over there where the uniformed officers are.”

  I took my cell phone out and took the cab driver’s picture with the flashing lights behind him. He was then joined by the other driver, who smiled widely.

  Our cab driver took us to Caesars and I ignored the chatter and hum of the slot machines. Instead of heading upstairs, we went backstage to find Yvonne. She was sitting in front of the mirror and applying her makeup.

  “Oh, there you are, Yvonne,” I said. “Did you happen to tell Simone Lively that Kayla’s show was cancelled and that she might lose her spot here at Caesars?”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m not sure I even know who that is.”

  “It’s another singer who is Kayla’s rival,” Eleanor said. “Tell us the truth.”

  “I wouldn’t know anything about that, but I remember now her name was mentioned upstairs earlier when Kayla was talking about it. I’ve never met the woman, I swear. I have never told anyone anything like that, since I’m not even sure Kayla was in jeopardy of losing her Vegas stint.”

  I sighed. “Thank you, Yvonne. We were only trying to tie up loose ends. Simone mentioned your name.”

  “I suppose she could find out the names of the dancers easily enough, it’s on the program. Do you think she killed Malcolm?”

  “We think so, but the detectives will have to investigate the matter further to prove that.”

  “I see. I hope they resolve the case soon. Kayla has been so rattled ever since he was murdered. She hasn’t even come down yet and she’s always here at this time.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  You might call it my sixth sense or even woman’s intuition, but I hurried from the backstage area and toward the elevator, dodging the Elvis impersonators that mingled in the casino, shaking their hips or combing their hair.

  Andrew was just coming out of the elevator. “Oh, there you two are,” he said.

  “We need to get up to Kayla’s room. She hasn’t showed up backstage yet.”

  “Here we go again,” Mr. Wilson said from the back of the elevator.

  “No need to go with us. We found out who the person was that threatened Kayla and they think she also killed Malcolm.”

  “Simone Lively?” Eleanor said. “She’s Kayla’s rival and under arrest now.”

  “Now, that’s sure some good investigating, Agnes,” Andrew said with a smile. “But I’d expect no less from the two of you.”

  Wilson bobbed in his seat, distracting us now. “Is that Elvis impersonators I hear?” Wilson said.

  “It sure is.”

  “Come along, Andrew. I can’t wait to see what they’ll do when I run one of them down.”

  Eleanor and I raced into the elevator when the men left and up we went. When we made it to Kayla’s room, I wasn’t sure I wanted to knock in case something untoward was happening, since I couldn’t shake the feeling that was the case. I flagged down a maid and gave her a story that Kayla was sick and I needed to check on her. For whatever reason, she actually used her card to open the door and we crept inside, shutting the door quietly behind us.

  It was then that I noticed Kayla was on the floor bound, as someone was rustling around in Malcolm’s old room. Kayla motioned with her eyes and I nodded. I tiptoed and glanced in and it was Kayla’s mother! She was prying up the carpet and Eleanor went over to Kayla, untying her. There was a clicking noise and the metal door of the safe was opened. Sue grabbed a leather bag that was near her and began filling it with cash!

  Suddenly Sue looked up and met my eyes, pulling out a pistol and point
ing it at me. “How did I guess you’d be here?”

  “We came to check on Kayla, but I can see you’ve found the money Malcolm stole from her.”

  “He’s so predictable, but not good to his word. He promised to give me my cut, but when that didn’t happen, I had no other choice than to fix him good.”

  “You killed Malcolm! We thought Simone did that, since she was the one who was threatening Kayla. She had the phone she used on her when we questioned her.”

  “I should have known she’d slip up, but it doesn’t matter now.”

  “You’re found out now, but how did you expect to get away with it? Malcolm was the one who stole the money originally, but since he’s dead, you’ll no longer be able to get any more money from Kayla.”

  “I don’t know about that. Kayla has a huge insurance policy and will, leaving it all to me since I’m the beneficiary, like she told me. When she’s found dead, I’ll receive all of her royalties. I should live a very comfortable life.”

  “You have it all figured out, but how do plan on killing your daughter?”

  She produced a syringe in her other hand. “It’s so tragic when rising stars die of a drug overdose, don’t you think?”

  “That won’t work, since she has no history of drug abuse.”

  “It’s simple. She’s so distraught after Malcolm’s death that she just couldn’t live any more.”

  “You don’t have an alibi for the day of Malcolm’s death. You were right here in Vegas the whole time.”

  “Why would anyone ever think I could be guilty when I’m sure they know that Simone has no alibi for that day? I made sure she stayed in her room alone that day.”

  “So, you were the one who planted the murder weapon in Mark’s room, but you left a fingerprint on it.”

  “Actually, Simone left a fingerprint on it since she was the one who planted the knife there.”

  “So, you’re working together? What is she getting out of it?”

  “She’s getting her place at Caesars, per Kayla’s contract. It’s the least Malcolm could do, since he never got her into the studio to record her single.”