Clan of the Werebear, The Complete Series Page 9
Each year the clan had taken male werebears to fight against the werewolves in the north, and little by little the men were all now gone except for Damon and Cullen. The suggestion that Damon would be taken had been more than Cullen was willing to tolerate from the inspectors.
Cullen was so lost in his thoughts that he almost ran into Elaina. His lips curled back when the putrid fragrance from the necklace she wore drifted into his nostrils. “Please, take that off.”
Her brow wrinkled slightly as she asked, “What happened? Are they gone?”
Hannah took the necklace she had given Elaina and also collected the ones she had given to Klesa and the boys, Ivan and Peter.
“Take the boys back to their hut,” Cullen ordered Klesa. “We’ll speak later.”
Her eyes widened, but she did as told. But Elaina stood there staring at Cullen. “What did happen? Were they satisfied with the inspection?” she asked.
“Come, let us speak about this privately.”
Elaina wouldn’t budge when Cullen tried to move her in the direction of his hut. “No. I want to know now.”
Cullen’s eyes narrowed. “I’m your mate and you’re to do as I say.”
“No, I’m not. I’ll be coupling with Damon soon. I’m a shared property, remember?”
“Not if you become pregnant.”
“You’re so full of yourself. Who says that will happen on the first try?”
“It might.”
“It might not.”
Damon slapped his head with his palm. “Oh, would you both please stop. You’re arguing like real mates now. We need to concentrate on the problem at hand.”
“Such as?” Elaina asked.
“Cullen had a disagreement with the inspectors, and now all of our lives hang in the balance.”
“Argument about what?”
When Cullen didn’t answer, Damon continued, “They were looking for the breeders. They picked up your scent in Cullen’s hut.”
“How can you be sure that—”
“They were flexing their muscles, like always,” Cullen said finally. “I’m not willing to lose anyone from the village, not without a fight. The mere suggestion that I’d just give them one of our breeders was beyond belief. We should have moved the village long ago, but now we might just have to consider it.”
“Is that an option? I thought the territories were clearly defined,” Elaina said.
Cullen’s brow shot up. “Oh, is that right? How do you know that? Did you purposely invade out territory to set us up?”
“Where could you go that they wouldn’t find you?”
“We’re going nowhere. Some of us are too old to make the journey,” Hannah said with a stomp of her foot. “You should know better than to defy them.”
“They’d have taken Elaina.”
“They didn’t find her or Klesa. You’ve worried for nothing.”
“Why did you order them to leave, too, then?”
Hannah’s hands moved to her hips as her eyes shifted to that of an animal’s briefly, before returning to normal. “I had no choice. It had already gotten out of hand. It’s that damn Russian blood in you. Now we need to discuss what our best move is to defend ourselves from the clan.”
“They’ll be back, then?” Elaina asked.
“Yes, in full battle gear, no doubt,” Cullen said.
“I don’t understand. Why haven’t you stood up to them before? Surely with the numbers of men diminished, you hardly stand a chance if the clan is how I was told they are.”
A man with dark hair that was gray at the temples approached. “They don’t want an all-out war with the clan is why.”
“Who are you?” Elaina asked.
He put out a hand for Elaina to shake. “The name is Ethan. I was taken last year, but I escaped before we reached their encampment. I knew that my days would be numbered if I had to fight in their war. Word has it that most of the men who were taken before me had perished in the war. The werewolf resistance is much stronger in the north than the clan expected. I still can’t believe they’re still fighting. We were but children when the war began.”
“How did the war start?”
Cullen grimaced. “A werebear, Anna, had gotten lost in the wilderness and a man found her, or so the story goes. She wasn’t aware that he was a werewolf and they fell in love. When the clan found out about it, she was taken back to her father who was elder of the clan. She was quite heartbroken and escaped the next day. When they tracked her to the north ridge, they found her broken body with the same werewolf leaning over her.”
“How did she die?”
“The clan assumed the werewolf had murdered her, pushed her from the north ridge to her death.”
“If he loved her, why would he do that? It makes no sense.”
“Not at all,” Ethan said. “But my grandfather told me she was with child, which further complicated matters. Some even believed that the couple had climbed the north ridge to escape the clan, but were found out.”
“Is that even possible? They are two different species of shifters.”
“I haven’t known for it to have been attempted since we’ve been told that it’s forbidden to bed down with another shifter.”
“So you don’t even know if this is some story passed down then. Who knows for certain what the war was caused over?” Elaina said.
Ethan continued, “It matters not what you believe. As I was saying, unfortunately, with Anna’s death and the grief-stricken werewolf kneeling over her body, the clan assumed that he had killed her.”
Elaina bit her fist. “What did they do to him?”
“They took him back to the clan’s encampment and executed him shortly thereafter, only to later discover that he was the alpha of his pack. The werewolves attacked the clan the next day and killed a few werebears before they had the chance to shift. They attacked at dawn and the clan wasn’t expecting retaliation so fast. Ever since then, the clan has waged an all-out war against the werewolves.”
“But what about here? It seems that the werewolves and werebears live peacefully. I’ve never heard of any skirmishes being talked about.”
“They killed a werebear not long ago,” Cullen said. “I told you that already.”
“Who’s to say who was responsible? Werewolves aren’t the only shifters in the area.”
“And I suppose Marla the owner of the Bear Claw Pub told you that, the same one who you claim raised you in a cabin near the mountains? Which, by the way, is impossible as she never leaves the pub.”
Ethan rubbed his course beard. “Plus, that’s werewolf territory up there. The only one known to live in any cabin in the area would have to be a werewolf.”
Elaina glanced away. “Well, think what you want, but I don’t see the werewolves as your enemy. In many ways, they face the same issues as you.”
Cullen’s eyes shot fire. “How would you know? Are you one of them?”
“I was raised by a werewolf. Is that what you want to hear?”
Hannah sidled in closer. “Is that true, girl? Were you really raised by a dirty ole werewolf?”
Chapter Three
Elaina swallowed hard. Should she tell them the truth? That the werewolf, Samson, had raised her, and that werewolves weren’t the beasts these werebears thought that they were?
Cullen began to pace as he blurted out accusingly, “Spit it out, Elaina. Marla already told us that she didn’t raise you, that you had a protector who’s a shifter. If that’s all he was to you.”
Elaina swallowed hard. “What does that mean? You know damn well that I was untouched. After last night you should know I haven’t lied about that.”
“Perhaps. Tell us the name of your protector, then.”
“H-How do you know Marla?”
“I’ve spent time in her bed on occasion. I visited her a few nights past. The night Shauna stabbed Damon in the back.”
Ethan’s face split into a grin. “Let me guess, another jealous female? They do kn
ow that you both mate with others, don’t they?” He nudged, Elaina. “Cullen and Damon claim it’s so that they have a better chance at impregnating the females, but I know that they just like to rut, like any chance they get. It’s the Russian blood in them, I’m afraid. They’ll share you like they have the others.”
Cullen’s face reddened. “Silence. You don’t need to interfere here. She was told that we share the females of this village.” He paused for a moment and then said, “As you were about to say, Elaina?”
“I’m getting so sick of hearing that from the both of you. I refuse to be passed around. I’ll choose when and who I mate with, or none at all.”
Ethan’s brow arched, Damon smirked, but Cullen’s head looked about ready to explode. “We’ll see. Name your protector or I’ll find the clan and hand you over to them. The clansman, Atar, is looking for more mates, or breeder in your case.”
Elaina gulped. “Samson is the name of my protector, but I escaped after he kept me locked up. I just couldn’t stand it any longer.”
“You left? Why did you really leave? Was it his protection or his advances?”
Elaina gasped at his assumption. “No, he’s never tried to lay a hand on me. He has warned me about the clan for years. I was but a bear cub when he found me wandering in the wilderness. I don’t remember what even happened to my parents, or if I had any to speak of. My mind is a complete blank.”
Cullen’s mouth turned down into a noticeable frown. “Who is this Samson, really?”
“My protector, like I just said.”
“You have to know more about him than that. Who is he really?”
“I don’t know. He had to keep me hidden from both the pack and the clan is all I know. I swear.”
“Why would a werewolf live apart from the pack like that? I’ve never known a werewolf to do that.”
“He left the pack years ago, long before I came along.” She took a breath and let it out with a whoosh of air. “What do you know of werewolves? What have they ever done personally to you?”
“They killed one of our werebears. You were already told this.”
“Who says it was a werewolf that did this. Did you see firsthand? No, I bet not. All of you are so blinded by your hatred that you can’t see past it.”
Cullen took ahold of Elaina’s arm. “Don’t you dare lecture me, newcomer. The clan has been at war with the werewolves for years.”
“Perhaps, but not here. Why?”
“The clan seldom journeys here, except for inspections, and when they do, they aren’t looking for werewolves.”
“Marla made a pact at the Bear Claw Pub for shifters,” Damon volunteered. “The shifters had learned to coexist alongside one another there, but it’s my understanding that all of the shifters here escaped the north and the war.”
“But what about you, Cullen and Damon? Why have you come here?”
“We lived in the far north amongst the polar bears for years until a small band of the clan began to push north. We knew it was time to leave before we were forced into the war that we have no part of. We’re from Russia and are not related to the clan specifically.”
“Then why did they come here and start pushing you around?”
“The clan sees things differently. Since they are grizzly bears, as are we, they have been using us to supply their forces. I knew if I fought back, I wouldn’t have just caused war for us, but for the entire region.”
“And yet you did today. Why did you let them leave? Surely, they’ll go back to the clan and return with more werebears to squash your rebellion. It would have been better to have killed them.”
“Killed them?” Hannah screeched. “That would not help us at all. The clan would be back and kill us all in retaliation. There’s no way the clan would think that they had simply disappeared. Besides, they were aware of where they were going.”
“Where does that leave the village then?”
“We need to move, or we need to fight,” Cullen said.
Elaina shook her head, staring about the village, knowing firsthand that moving the village would be a huge undertaking. “Where could you go that they wouldn’t find you?”
“Nowhere that everyone would agree to.”
“We could go to live amongst the humans,” Damon suggested.
“No! Not gonna happen!” Cullen spat. “There’s no way any shifter would be able to be undetected in the towns and cities. There’s simply no way we could blend in, although I’d prefer Klesa and the boys go there.”
Klesa ran back to the center of the village, obviously overhearing their conversation. “I refuse to leave the village. How do you expect me to live amongst my own kind after all of this time? I would be all alone.”
“Think of your sons,” Cullen said. “Would you have them perish at the hands of the clan?”
Klesa pushed back a stray lock of her red hair, gingerly stroking Cullen’s arm. “Cullen, I’d be lost without you and Damon. I can’t fathom my life without the two of you.”
“You have no choice now. I won’t see the boys harmed. I’ve already made up my mind,” Cullen insisted.
Tears flooded Klesa’s eyes until they were coursing down her cheeks. “But Peter and Ivan are shifters. How will I be able to stop them from shifting?”
“Ethan will go with you. He’ll be a huge help and a good mate for you.”
Klesa pulled away as if scorched. “I don’t want to be Ethan’s mate. I can’t leave Cullen. Please understand.”
Cullen’s muscular arms crossed. “It’s been decided. Pack your things. You’ll be heading out at first light tomorrow.”
Klesa sneaked a peak at Ethan whose eyes were quite wide and she darted back inside her hut, bawling uncontrollably.”
Ethan shifted nervously. “I could be of help here, Cullen. Klesa doesn’t look happy about the arrangement.”
“She doesn’t have a choice. The lives of our sons are more important than anything. If we don’t make it through this, I want to know that our line won’t die with us.”
Elaina trembled. “You sound so morbid, like you have already decided what the outcome will be.”
“We have only two men left, a handful of women, and the old ones. The odds are stacked against us. I’m prepared to make a stand now. You can either stay or leave, Elaina. It’s up to you.”
Elaina was torn. She hadn’t expected the clan to be a real threat here, but she wasn’t willing to desert them when they’d need every werebear to fight. “I’m staying, but I might need some fighting lessons first. Samson refused to allow me to shift. He had pounded into my head most of my life that the clan was searching for me.”
Cullen nodded, and then said, “I’ll help Klesa gather her belongings.”
* * *
Elaina paced the confines of Cullen’s hut, trying her best to ignore the musky fragrance of their mating ritual that still wafted in the air. It was no wonder the inspectors were searching for her. She couldn’t believe that Cullen had just given Klesa away like she was a bargaining chip, although it was wise for Peter and Ivan to remain safe. Is that how Cullen and Damon were? Did they give away all of the females that they grew weary of?
Elaina felt a breeze and turned, but instead of Cullen, Damon strode into the room. “You’ll be sleeping in my hut tonight. We don’t have all that much time to fight off the clan and I want to mate with you.”
Elaina’s heart raced, but at the same time bile formed at the back of her throat. “Well, I don’t want to mate with you. I was told that I wouldn’t have to until my next mating fever. What if I’m already pregnant with Cullen’s child?”
“It doesn’t matter. I shall have you in my bed tonight!”
Elaina was shocked at Damon’s attitude. This was something she would have expected more from Cullen. Damon had always been so kind to her. Was Ethan right? Were they both just interested in rutting with any female that would have them?
Cullen strutted in hut and glared at his brother. “Why are you he
“I want to mate with Elaina. She’s sleeping in my hut tonight.”
Cullen snarled, “Not happening. She’s mine and I’m not sharing with you.”
“We’ve shared females for years. Why the sudden change? There’s nothing that impressive about this newcomer.”
Elaina gasped and Cullen said, “Then why do you want her?”
Damon reached over and took a strand of Elaina’s dark hair between his fingers, inhaling its fragrance. “She makes me hard.” With his free hand, he rubbed a hand across the fabric of Elaina’s frock.
Elaina could scarcely breathe. She stared at Cullen’s hard face and wanted to move away, but her body responded to Damon’s touch as he tried to cup a breast. Cullen sprang into action and knocked his brother backwards. Damon fell and Cullen stood over him. “Touch my mate again and I’ll finish you off before the clan gets here.”
Damon scrambled to his feet. “That’s not fair. We are to share all of the females. That’s how it’s always been.”
“Not this one. She’s mine. Go find yourself another.”
“Another? You chased my favorite away.”
“Shauna tried to kill you, you fool, and she escaped, unless—”
“Unless what?”
“Unless you released her from the chains,” Elaina said. “You certainly didn’t seem upset that she had escaped.”
Damon glanced away like the guilt forced him to. “Why do you think that?”
“When we came back from the village meeting deciding her fate, she was already gone, but you left the stream before us.”
Damon locked eyes with Elaina. “What if I did? She didn’t mean to stab me. It was an accident. I’m sure she meant for the blade to strike you. She’s always been jealous.”