Clan of the Werebear, The Complete Series Page 16
“I would, but there is so much that I don’t know. Liam is such a mystery to me. He’s not like he was when we were children. He seems so strong and adamant that we can’t mate. It makes no sense.”
“It’s the law that the clan has laid down.”
“For the werebears, perhaps, but not werewolves.”
Nala led Elaina to the bed and patted the blanket next to her. “Please sit.” Elaina did as she was asked before Nala continued. “Damien made a pact with the Clan of the Werebear and adopted many of the same laws for us werewolves. Keeping the peace was important to him.”
Elaina wanted to ask how she could stop feeling like she did about Liam. “I suppose that makes sense, but I have so many more questions that Liam has yet to answer.”
Nala squeezed Elaina’s hand. “Give it time.”
“That’s just the thing. I don’t think I have much time left. The clan is hot on my heels and Liam is not—”
Liam appeared at the door with a tray of food. The aroma of cooked fish wafted into Elaina’s nostrils. When he set it down, Nala disappeared. “Thanks,” Elaina said.
Liam sat next to her. “Like old times, eh? The last time I was near you with a tray of food, you kissed me. I wonder sometimes what might have happened if Samson hadn’t interrupted us that day.”
Elaina gobbled down some fish, choking on it slightly at the thought of what might have happened. Liam rubbed Elaina’s back and smiled down at her as he asked if she was okay.
Her heart hammered against her chest and she fidgeted. “I wish you had taken me that day. I know now it’s too late and that you no longer desire me that way, since—well, that I’m no longer innocent.”
Liam’s hand moved up Elaina’s back. “That’s not such a bad thing. It would have been wrong with my grandfather so close by.”
Elaina sighed as Liam’s hands worked magic on her scalp and hot fire lit up her womanhood like never before. “Well, you’re so insistent that it’s forbidden that I know that it will never happen now.”
His hands left her hair and he squeezed her thigh. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that if I allow myself to love you that way, I’ll never be able to walk away from you. And that would endanger the entire pack, which is just not something I’m willing to do.”
“What does the clan have to do with it?”
“Damien signed a pact with the clan, and until we can sort out who you really are and why the clan wants you, I can’t allow myself to be with you in that way. Perhaps in time, things will change.”
Elaina pushed her tray of food aside and stood up. “And what if it doesn’t? How long will you continue to refuse me?”
Liam sat there with a frown. “I know it seems like that right now, but I promise you I’ll find a way around this. We’ll search for Samson in the morning. He might have the answers we are searching for.”
“Promise me if Samson can’t help us that you won’t allow him to lock me up again.”
Liam stared at her. “I promise I won’t allow him to do that again, but give my grandfather half a chance. I’m sure he’ll be able to shed light on the right way to proceed.”
Elaina slapped her head in aggravation and Nala returned with one of the children, a boy of six. “Elaina, this is Devon. He’s been wanting to meet you since the last time you were here.”
She stooped down and shook the boy’s hand. “Hello, Devon. Where were you the last time that you weren’t able to meet me?”
“I was sick.” He rolled up his pants and showed Elaina his leg with a huge healing wound on it. “I got too close to a mountain lion. Luckily our alpha, Liam, saved me before I was killed.”
That made Elaina mad. “What’s wrong with those mountain lions? I had to show one who’s boss once when they were after a few bear cubs.”
Devon’s eyes widened. “Oh, my. What did you do?”
“Well, I was forced to protect those cubs and ended up having to kill that mountain lion.”
“Wow, bears sure don’t mess around.”
“I’m sure Liam didn’t, either.”
“Nope, but that cat escaped. Liam carried me all the way back to the den and nursed my wounds himself. That’s so unlike an alpha, but that’s why we all admire and love him so much.”
“I wasn’t always an alpha, you know,” Liam explained gently. He fluffed the boy’s hair and left the room, leaving Elaina to ponder if the boy was someone special to Liam, like possibly his son.
Devon smiled shyly up at Elaina. “Werebears have always scared me a little, but you seem different.”
“Oh, and have you met another werebear before?”
“No, but we’ve been warned about the clan from the north.”
“Not to worry, my young wolf. I’m sure the clan doesn’t mean to come to the den,” Elaina tried to reassure Devon.
Nala smiled. “She’s right. We’ve all grown up with those scary werebear stories, but I have yet to see the clan firsthand, and I’m sure that they have more important things to worry about besides us. They think us wolves here to be weak and submissive.”
Devon clenched his hands into fists. “They had better stay where they belong or I’ll show them.”
Elaina tried to hide the laughter behind her hand. She didn’t want to appear to laugh at the young werewolf. Males were taught to be strong and fierce, but also very protective of the pack. This much Elaina knew for sure from the stories Liam had told her growing up.
Elaina strode back to the bed when Nala and Devon left, welcoming the silence. She had made her play for Liam, but unless things changed, she saw that Liam was resolved to abide by the laws of the pack. She knew Liam wanted her, which is why it was so important that the matter of the clan was cleared up—and soon, not just because they stood between her and Liam, but as Elaina was tired of worrying about what the clan would do if they found her.
Chapter Five
Elaina yawned when Nala, who had given her the clothing she’d need for the trip, dragged her from bed early the next morning. When she donned the jeans and tee shirt, they surprisingly fit. “Where did you get the clothing?”
“It’s clothing that some of the werewolves have worn when they carried pups in their bellies.”
That sure didn’t make Elaina feel at ease. “Oh. Thanks. Where’s Liam?”
“He’s waiting outside for you.” Nala handed Elaina beef jerky. “For your trip.”
“Thanks. I’m starving.”
Elaina followed Nala down the corridors of the den and shivered slightly at the cold breeze that blew outside. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Liam draped her shoulders with a fur pelt.
“Aren’t we traveling in shifted forms?”
“No. We need to remain as inconspicuous as possible.”
“But werebears have a strong sense of smell. The clan will be able to sniff us out even in human form.”
“Good, then you should be able to sniff them out way before they’re on to us.” When Elaina sighed, Liam added, “You’re all bear on the inside. I have faith in you.”
“I wasn’t exactly taught how to defend myself which is probably why I ended up at that werebear village.”
Liam nodded. “Yes, but I’m sure it’s not the only reason. A female in heat is hard to stay away from.”
Elaina raised a dainty brow. If only the fever was still upon her, then she’d be more of a temptation to Liam, perhaps. “How are we traveling?”
“On foot. We’ll head to the Bear Claw Pub first and see if Samson is still there.”
“I hardly think so, but I have no other reason to believe he isn’t, so it’s as good as any place to start.”
Liam motioned Elaina forward. “Walk beside me. I don’t want you disappearing.”
“There’s no need for buts. I promise that I’ll protect you no matter what, even if you’re a werebear and my sworn enemy.”
“Oh? I never realized I was your enemy, but I heard a story once abou
t a werebear being killed by werewolves. Is there any truth to it?”
“Plenty of werebears have been killed in the war in the north, I’m sure.”
“No. I meant like chased off a cliff near here.”
Liam lifted a large branch for Elaina to walk under. “Who told you that? Your werebears?”
“First things first. Cullen and Damon are not my werebears. I was just in a weird situation that I made the best of until it got even weirder.”
“Well, we’ve never killed any werebear that I know of. Sounds like you were fed a story.”
“We’ve both been fed stories since we were children, but what of the females? Surely you can’t be sure of every werewolf in your den.”
“I assure you if that happened, I would have heard about it. It would be the talk of the den. But more importantly, with the pact in place, no werewolf I know would dare break their vows to stay away from werebears.”
“What if they were accosted in the forest?”
Liam stopped walking. “If you miss this Cullen and Damon so much, why did you come here?”
“I don’t miss them at all.”
“Why is that? You had two mates, from the sounds of it.”
“Mates, no. They both share the women of their village since they want to produce cubs so that their line doesn’t die off.”
“Who could blame them? That’s what all shifters want to do. Having many pups or cubs is something that would assure that your pack, or village in their case, would survive long after the parents are gone.”
“Well, in their case, they claim they have royal blood, and the clan has been taking all of the men year after year to fight in the war against rogue werewolves in the north.”
Liam froze in his tracks, taking ahold of Elaina’s arm, and whirled her to face him. “What did you just say? Royal blood?”
Elaina bit her lip before speaking. “Yes, but what do you know about that?”
“Just that a family of werebears escaped Russia long ago. That’s the reason the clan allowed them to leave the north and relocate here.”
Elaina’s eyes widened. “Oh, is that why, then? That makes sense, because it sure never made much sense when they told me that story. What else do you know about it?”
“That’s about it. I just had no idea you were among royalty.”
“We’d better get moving then, unless you don’t want to get to the pub before noon.”
Liam released Elaina’s arm and continued to walk beside her in silence, leaving Elaina to ponder what it all meant. Did Liam know who Cullen and Damon were? Had they met? He certainly never alluded to the fact that he had, but Elaina had to wonder about Cullen and Damon. If only Cullen hadn’t taken her by force from the lodge. It had made no sense other than to show her that he was a domineering werebear. That Elaina already knew, and in many ways, she didn’t mind all that much when he was satisfying her needs.
She had to shake that mental image from her shattered mind. She just couldn’t stop herself from believing that Cullen would somehow betray her as he had with Shauna by sharing information about Elaina. Would he really have also turned her over to clan to save himself? And what was left of his village?
Birds of prey flew overhead, flapping their massive wings. When it came to shifters, Elaina couldn’t help but wonder if there were also bird shifters. It would be entirely possible and a formidable enemy if working in cahoots with the clan.
Elaina breathed in deeply of the pines. She loved the smell of them and loved how soft the fallen needles felt beneath her feet as she walked.
* * *
Within a few hours, smoke billowed from the chimney of the Bear Claw Pub as it came into view. She welcomed the log cabin walls of the pub, and tried to prepare herself for seeing Samson again. Would he be angry with her, lock her up again, or…
When the made their way to the front door, two very large and very hairy men wearing plaid and denim barred their way, their arms folded across their large chests.
“Not so fast,” one of the men said. “No werewolves allowed inside.”
Liam’s face tightened. “Since when?”
“Since Marla tightened security.”
“Why did she do that?” Elaina asked. “I’m no werewolf. I’m all werebear.”
The men gave Elaina’s body a quick once over, lingering on her breasts. Liam face reddened and he stepped in front of Elaina to block their view. “We’re here to see Marla. If we can’t go in, could you please tell her someone is here to speak with her?”
The men laughed, and as Elaina pushed Liam aside, the veins on Liam’s forehead protruded, the hairs on his arms growing longer.
“Tell her Elaina is here to see her. She’s probably worried about me since I escaped from here not all that long ago.”
“You?” one of the men said. He gave the other man a strange look and disappeared inside the pub, returning five minutes later, and telling them to go around to the back door.
Liam took ahold of Elaina’s hand as he made way for the back door where Marla stood waiting for them. She hugged Elaina tightly and kindly thanked Liam for bringing her, but as she tried to propel Elaina in the door, Elaina pulled back and said, “No! Stop!”
Marla let Elaina go and she said, “It’s not safe to stay out here.”
“Well, I’m not going in unless Liam goes with me.”
“Perhaps we shouldn’t go inside at all, Elaina. For all we know, we might be walking into a trap,” Liam said.
Marla pursed her lips. “I hardly think so. I’ve been friends and a lover to your grandfather for many years now. He’s been beside himself with worry since this baby bird flew the coop.”
“I’m no baby bird. I’m a werebear and quite capable of taking care of myself. Where’s Samson?”
“Let’s talk inside,” Marla insisted.
“Not without Liam, I’m not!”
“I’ve barred all werewolves from the pub since the clan is so close now. If I let you inside, I’ll be putting all of our lives in jeopardy.”
“Then what if we don’t go inside but meet somewhere else, like out in the supply shed?” Elaina suggested.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Give me a few minutes and I’ll clear out the kitchen.” Marla disappeared inside and returned, ushering them inside quickly. They were next led to an office that came off the kitchen, and once they were inside, the door closed with a thump.
Marla waltzed behind a large desk with paperwork strewn across it. She motioned for Elaina and Liam to sit in two chairs and began to tap her fingernails in rapid movements.
“Samson left some time ago. He scoured the forest for you, Elaina, but when he wasn’t able to find you, he went back home in case you might have gone there instead.”
“I hated that I had to leave like that, but I couldn’t handle being locked up that way. I was tired of Samson’s insistence that the clan was searching for me, but it appears he was right on many accounts.”
Marla smiled. “I can’t say I blame you, but you really need to go into hiding, and fast. Where were you all that time? Surely not with Liam.”
“No. I met up with some werebears.” Liam tapped Elaina’s toes for a moment and gave her a look that silenced her.
“It’s a long story, and one best left to explain to my grandfather when we find him,” Liam said. “We really need to know, though, if the clan been here.”
“Yes, a Gerirr and Hectar were here. Not really the nicest of werebears, I tell you. They seemed to have some beef with another werebear, but I wasn’t able to overhear the whole conversation.”
Liam rocked forward on his chair. “That’s plenty, but do you have any idea why the clan is here?”
“Doing routine inspections is what they told the bartender. I sure hope they weren’t getting into any argument with Cullen or Damon.”
That got Elaina’s attention, but she remained silent. “They’re not still here, I hope.”
Marla leaned forward. “No, they headed out ear
ly yesterday morning. Take care, you two, if you plan to find Samson. There’s no telling how close the clan might be or what they might do to you, Elaina, if they were to find you.”
“Has Samson ever shared with you the details about why the clan is searching for me?”
He eyes widened. “Why no, but Samson is certainly a shifter with many secrets, and a private one at that.”
“Not even interesting pillow talk?” Liam asked. “I find that odd, but I also find it strange that my grandfather is so against werewolves and werebears mating when he so readily mated with a human.”
Marla ran her long fingers up her neck. “Well, he’s also a man underneath all that fur, too. One who has needs.”
Elaina felt so uncomfortable about the direction that this conversation was taking. She’d rather not know the particulars about Marla’s involvement with Samson, but couldn’t keep her lips zipped and asked, “How about the werebear, Cullen? You’ve bedded down with him, right?”
Marla’s face reddened. “Why would you ask me something like that?”
“Just wondering how many shifters you have taken to your bed, is all. I just hope that you haven’t shared any pertinent information with the clan that would put any of us in jeopardy.”
Marla stood, her lips in a tight line. “I think it’s best if you both leave. I’d hate for the clan to find you here and have the blame placed on me. But really, Elaina, my personal life is not any of your concern. If Cullen is your mate now, I apologize, but whatever was between Cullen and me is ancient history.”
Chapter Six
Damon searched the nearby caves for the werewolves, but it was all for naught. Elaina was nowhere to be found, either. He couldn’t help but feel responsible that she had left like she had. Cullen should never have taken her by force from the human lodge, and Damon felt equally as guilty for his hand in it.
He sniffed the air and slunk back into a cave when three bears headed in the direction of the village, but instead of heading back, he pressed on once they had passed. Cullen was quite capable of taking care of himself and the village. Shauna was also there, so it wasn’t completely unprotected.